Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Our sweet Olivia turns one this week, which of course feels like yesterday! And doesn't at the same time. I remember vividly where we were last year at this time...Charlie was starting his second year of pre-school, I was a human watermelon. We were living in a different house. We had family lined up through October to help us out..And we were waiting anxiously to meet our baby girl.

I am very thankful for this last year. I am so glad to have learned what we have learned. Charlie is growing, maturing, questioning, loving and learning quickly how to be a great big brother. Freddie and I are continuing to learn each other and our kids and leaning on one another constantly. Olivia is growing, vocalizing and absorbing all of her environment and continuing to be the epitome of an "easy baby".

All that to say we are blessed. We are thankful..we love our family. And we are grateful for coffee, in mass quantities.


Here are a few highlights from Olivia's party...

picture credit: Ana Gibson

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