Sunday, May 19, 2013

Inaugural Post

After what feels like a lifetime ago, I am re-entering the blogging world. Re-inspired, re-defined... but  not so much re-energized, as in I could go all day long, more like a re-energized because I just downed some serious coffee and can't keep my fingers on the keyboard. 

Charlie has gotten into telling me in the morning (when I climb into his bed to "snuggle" but really just  close my eyes for 5 more minutes) to "get your coffee,'ll help keep your eyes open!" Seriously. This is my life. 

We have been settling into a new house for the last 2 months, and there have been multiple 9:15 bedtimes recently. I am always laughing at myself for the desperate need for sleep I have. Sometime Starbucks is just not gonna do it. Or I'm a sissy and don't buy stronger than medium brews. But either way, I have surmised my most productive part of the day is generally between 9:30-11. Yes. This is true. I drink coffee from 7:15-9 am on any given day. So the 'ol heart is a pumpin' by 9:30, and I'm rushing around to and from faster than Tess licking up whatever the latest spill, drop, crumb has hit the floor. 

Forget that come 4:00, I could crawl into bed for the day. I get my productivity DONE by 11 am. I'll call that a direct result of my brain attempting to function with an 8 month old and 3 year old pulling on my very tired legs. But these are indeed the so called "good ole days" according to so many old ladies. They must know what I'm thinking when they see my children's public meltdowns and tell me, "honey, one day you'll look back and think of this moment fondly." Really though. I doubt that. Highly. The days that we are all happy, enjoying the moment, in a good mood and cycling through the day easily are what I will hopefully remember more. Meanwhile, one little day at a time.

Here's a few pictures of these little precious kids I get to call mine. I truly am living the dream.

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